Depth – Deep & Shallow

I really enjoyed this unit studying depth of field. I found out while taking photos that it was the easiest to take pictures with a very shallow depth. I enjoyed taking pictures with a shallow depth of field. I got a couple of my shallow depth of field posts at the BYU-Idaho “open mic night” the other photos were just things that I found around campus to be interesting. I feel like I still need to work on my composition and better focus.

Music, 05/10/22, 6:36, BYU-Idaho Campus, ISO 200, 50mm, f 1.8, 1/125
Stairs, 05/04/22, 12:30, BYU-Idaho, ISO 160, 50 mm, F 6.3, 1/320
Taylor Building, 05/10/22, 8:24, BYU-Idaho Campus, ISO 400, 50mm, f 12, 1/160

4 replies to “Depth – Deep & Shallow

  1. Hey! I really like the pictures you took, they look very clean. The shot you got with the Taylor building would be a very hard one to expose in one shot, Bracketing might do the trick for that one! Also which aperture would you say suits your style the best?

    Here’s my Blog

    Depth (Deep and Shallow)

    Here’s another student’s blog


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