Motion – Freeze & Blur

While creating these Freeze and Blur photos, I automatically knew that I wanted to go to Fall Creek Falls. I wanted to use this waterfall for my blurred motion picture and then I knew I could use the water for my Freeze motion picture. I ran into some trouble with creating my other photos because I was having issues with my shutter speed getting in the way of the frame or something wrong with my sensor. As you can see, there is a black band in part of my picture. I just learned that I was going to have to work with it and I still feel like I got a really good shot.

3 replies to “Motion – Freeze & Blur

  1. Hey I like your photos! The first one turned out real nice. You seem to like the water theme with motion, I would love to see more flowing water with slow shutter speed from you, you definitely have the eye for it. Also is the last photo a little out of focus or is that a design choice you made?


  2. Hey Aubrey! Nice photos! I love the waterfall idea and I agree that it still turned out beautiful! I also like how you did a splashing picture. I like how you can see the long stream of pouring sugar. I did something similar on my blog, Another girl also used a slow shutter speed to capture this blurred waterfall effect ( I think you did a good job and a blurred waterfall picture is something that I could love to try out sometime!


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